Explore the federal EPA’s official map of environmental justice indexes and pollution locations
Explore interactive maps & digital tools related to environmental justice in Boston, across the US, and around the world.
Explore the federal EPA’s official map of environmental justice indexes and pollution locations
See the official Commonwealth of Massachusetts map of environmental justice communities
See where air pollution in the United States has the worst effect on the health of nearby communities
See how incarcerated people are often held in places with severe heat, wildfire, and flood risks
Explore the data sets used in the City of Boston’s Climate Ready Boston planning process
Visualize the social and ecological hazards of oil spills in the Niger River delta in a data set created by the Nigerian government
Visualize the urban heat island effect in Greater Boston, determined in part by using citizen-collected data
Find information about environmental justice sites around the world in this project from the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
See how the urban tree canopy relates to equitable development in cities across the U.S.