In the spring of 2023, Leventhal Center K-12 educators, in collaboration with the Boston Private Industry Council, hired Boston Public School students to create content for this exhibition. Students learned how information becomes geospatial by linking it to location and geography, and how it is used to create map-based visualizations using geographic information systems software (GIS).

The students practiced interpreting and evaluating data-based maps. They heard from professionals who use GIS maps in their work. Finally, they used the digital platform ArcGIS Online to make their own maps about transit in Boston.

Benjamin Bouchat

Finding the Beauty: Boston Transit

Benjamin Bouchat

Michael Chowdhury

Built for Walking

Michael Chowdhury

Neveah Fernandes

Common Community Areas in Boston

Neveah Fernandes

Gavin McDermott

Long Commutes, Extraordinary Students

Gavin McDermott

Gideon Neaves

Time is Money, Commuting is Time

Gideon Neaves

Jack Sawyers

Inaccessible Transit: Unequal Access

Jack Sawyers

Rudy Stout

Franklin Park Adventure: Taking the Bus

Rudy Stout

Makaya Vicks

The Danger on Boston Commutes

Makaya Vicks