News from the Leventhal Map & Education Center
March 6, 2023
Agnes Sinclair Holbrook and Samuel Sewell Greeley, “Nationalities map,” in Hull House Maps and Papers (Thomas Y. Crowell & Co., 1895).

Black Boston Stories: Meet Florida Ruffin Ridley

The maps in our featured exhibition, Building Blocks: Boston Stories from Urban Atlases, tell stories that are ultimately about people. The stories of some people, however, are harder to find than others. To illuminate the lives and stories that sometimes run hidden through these maps, we follow the biography of an important Black Bostonian, Florida Ruffin Ridley, who worked, studied, played, and created within the landscapes on display.

Read the article → 

Urban Stories From Before Displacement

Undergraduates at the College of the Holy Cross recently used Atlascope as the backbone for a semester-long research project on the buildings and landscapes of Boston that were destroyed by the Central Artery. Among their findings are stories of the India Wharf Rats, Boston’s steel industry, coffee producers and more.

Explore the students' projects → 

In-Person: Atlascope Office Hours · March 17, 2:00pm ET

What will you discover in Atlascope? During Atlascope Office Hours, LMEC Staff will be available to answer questions, provide a demonstration of Atlascope features, troubleshoot atlas-based research inquiries, and more. Chromebooks will be provided.

Mark your calendar → 

In-Person: Wampanoag Environmental History and Activism · March 23, 6:00pm ET

We are thrilled to host the plenary session of the American Society for Environmental History 2023 Conference on environmental history, climate change, and Native activism in the Greater Boston area. Open to members of the public and ASEH Conference attendees.

Reserve a spot → 

Local and Family History Research Services at BPL

Our friends in BPL Research Services have launched a new Genealogy page! This page will serve as a hub for events and resources related to genealogical research and will showcase databases, booklists, blog posts, and related research guides.

Explore the resources → 

Invitation to Apply: Washington Map Society Ristow Prize

Students and postdocs are invited to apply for the Walter W. Ristow Prize for an Academic Paper in the History of Cartography before June 1. The 2023 Ristow Prize winner will receive a $1,500 cash award, one-year membership in the Washington Map Society, and be published in The Portolan.

Apply by June 1 → 

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Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library

617.859.2387 · info@leventhalmap.org


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