Atlas of Metro-Atlanta: The 1970s

Title “Map 11 : Percent of Negro Renter Occupied Housing” and “Map 12 : Percent of Housing Units Lacking Some or All Plumbing Facilities”
Creator Malcolm A. Murray
Year 1975
Location Boston Public Library
View in Collection

Though this atlas of the Atlanta metropolitan area also displays 1970 Census data, the 36 maps it contains were produced using the SYMAP program. Developed at Harvard’s Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis (LCGSA), SYMAP produced distinctive maps with textual characters. In his foreword to the atlas, author Malcolm A. Murray notes that it is intended as a sequel to his Atlas of Atlanta, which documented Census data strictly within city boundaries. In the atlas shown here, Murray expands to the greater metropolitan area. The consequences of this extended geographic scope are particularly visible in “Map 12,” which highlights the high percent of housing units without adequate plumbing in the rural tracts northeast of Atlanta.