This database lists the objects most recently added to our collections. For more information about an object, click the “Catalog Record” button. This table may not show the fully authoritative bibliographic information for items, and may include items which are still being processed and not yet available to patrons. The images in this database are for identifying purposes only, and do not represent the archival-quality images in our Digital Collections.
To make an appointment to see a recently acquired object, see our research appointments page.
If you have collections that you would like to consider donating to the Leventhal Center, please fill out the Special Collections Donation Form so that we can evaluate your donation offer. Please note that material which is mailed or left at the library without a signed gift agreement will be disposed of by library staff at the library’s sole discretion.
As a matter of policy, the Leventhal Center does not offer appraisal or evaluation services for collectors. You can find a list of dealers at MapRecord as well as a list of conservators from the American Institute for Conservation. If you would like to find examples of similar objects from your own collection that exist in our collections, please make a research appointment.